
Dental Anomaly Patterns: Orthodontic Aspects

by Shalish Miriam

The term “Dental Anomaly Patterns” refers to commonly observed associations among a group of dental anomalies. Anomalies such as congenitally missing teeth, infraocclusion, palatally displaced canines, small teeth, delayed dental development and distal angulation of unerupted mandibular second premolar tend to appear together in the same patient. They have been gaining attention as variables in a putative, genetically related pattern of dental anomalies having a shared biological etiology. Orthodontic treatment of patients with dental anomaly patterns is challenging. It requires early diagnosis, interceptive planning, and early preventive treatment. As clinicians, we have to decide in which cases we follow up, and in which cases we interfere. In this lecture, I will present the concept of Dental Anomaly Patterns, describe my studies, identify essentials clinical and radiologic diagnostic markers that can help us prevent complex problems, and describe creative solutions to complicated problems.

Learning Objectives

After this lecture, you will be able to diagnose Dental Anomaly Patterns
After this lecture, you will be able to plan interceptive orthodontic treatment for Dental Anomaly Patterns
After this lecture, you will be able to understand the biological significance of Dental Anomaly Patterns