
Treating Patients with Missing Teeth with Aligners. Where Is the Limit?

Treating patients with missing teeth using aligners requires a strategic approach involving comprehensive evaluation and digital treatment planning. Aligners can manage space closure or opening, ensuring optimal alignment and occlusion. When opening spaces for future restorations (implants or bridges), aligners can open the necessary space and align surrounding teeth. The use of attachments and precision cuts enhances control over tooth movements. Regular monitoring and adjustments ensure the treatment progresses as planned. Interdisciplinary collaboration with restorative dentists and implantologist is crucial for integrating optimal prosthetic solutions. Patient compliance and education on wearing aligners and maintaining oral hygiene are vital for success. This approach offers an aesthetic, removable, and less invasive alternative to traditional orthodontic methods, effectively addressing the unique challenges posed by missing teeth and resulting in improved dental function and esthetics, as well as smile and facial esthetics.

Learning Objectives

After this lecture, you will be able to recognize the importance of proper planning
After this lecture, you will be able to demonstrate the importance of collaboration with other specialist
After this lecture, you will be able to define the keys to achieve excellent smile esthetics