Degree in Medicine in 1973; majored in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis in 1976; majored in Orthodontics in 1979.
Cultural advisor of S.I.D.O. in the period 1998/1999.
Vice-President of S.I.D.O. in the period 2002/2003.
Since 1982 visiting professor (Roma, L’Aquila, Perugia, Ferrara, Siena, Pisa).
Since June 1998 member of the ’“European Board of Orthodontists”.
Since December 1999 member of the ’”Italian Board of Orthodontics” where he served as Vice-President in the period 2003/2004 and then President in 2005/2006.
Since 2013 to January 2017, Editor in Chief of the " European Journal of Clinical Orthodontics"
He is the author of several publications in Italian and international magazines, as well as a speaker at courses and conferences.