Prof. Vincenzo D’Antò received his Degree in Dentistry and a Specialty in Orthodontics from the University of Naples Federico II. He completed a PhD in “Materials and Structures Engineering” and a second PhD in “Oral Sciences”. In 2017, Dr. D’Antò received the Italian national scientific qualification as full professor of Oral Sciences and he is currently working in the School of Orthodontics of University of Naples Federico II.
Prof. D’Antò is member of IADR, EOS, AAO, EAS, WFO, SIDO, Past President of the Italian Society for Biomechanics and affiliate member of EHASO. He authored more than 100 papers and has given oral presentations at the international congresses of SIDO, EOS, AAO and IADR. He is Associate Editor of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research.
Prof. D’Antò received the Robert Frank Award and the Hatton Award of IADR, the SIDO award for the best research, the EOS Houston Award (2012) and the Tiziano Baccetti Award (2016).