
Joint Baccetti Lecture: The Orthodontic Education Landscape: Pivoting the Past, Projecting the Future!

by Chaushu Stella

In this lecture, we will explore how emerging technologies and next-generation discoveries are set to revolutionize personalized orthodontic treatment. While AI and deep learning will introduce intelligent machines capable of realizing our most ambitious dreams, they will not replace orthodontists. Much like autopilot systems cannot substitute experienced pilots who must handle unexpected situations, machines will augment but not supplant our expertise. Groundbreaking research in biology and genetics will further transform our diagnostic and treatment capabilities. Advances in pharmacological, non-invasive slow-release applications of bioagents will enable us to modulate the speed of tooth movement by affecting bone turnover. Simple saliva tests to identify new genetic markers will allow us to assess the risk of developing anomalies, such as impacted teeth, and complications, such as root resorption. This will facilitate proactive interventions to avoid or mitigate the severity of anomalies and tailor treatments to minimize side effects based on genetic profiles. The future of orthodontics lies in embracing these technologies to enhance our practice and improve patient outcomes.

Learning Objectives

After this lecture, you will be able to understand why machines cannot replace orthodontists
After this lecture, you will be able to learn about future pharmacological approaches to control tooth movement
After this lecture, you will be able to recognize how genetic discoveries will contribute to personalized diagnosis and treatment